The Land Has a Mind to Speak
Sámi Horizons

The artworks of Sissel M. Bergh, Annika Dahlsten & Markku Laakso, Marja Helander, Erica Huuva, Solveig Labba, Britta Marakatt-Labba, Outi Pieski, Katarina Pirak Sikku and Anniina Turunen, in dialogue with historical objects housed by the MARKK, initiate the overdue change of perspective on the past and present history of the Sámi. To this day, the Sámi are fighting for the recognition of their rights. The consequences of Nordic colonialism, which suppressed Sámi culture, language and traditions, can still be presently felt.
Thus, racism, re-education, human zoos, land grabbing and environmental destruction are the focus of the contemporary art positions in the exhibition. Sápmi, as the Sámi call their homeland, stretches across the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Kola Peninsula of the Russian Federation.
The exhibition was created in cooperation with Kunsthaus Hamburg.
With the support of the Finland Institute, the Royal Norwegian Embassy, the Swedish Embassy and the Friends of the Museum am Rothenbaum e. V.
Funded by
Cultural Partner
In Cooperation with
Exhibition at Kunsthaus
At the Kunsthaus from June 3 to October 1, 2023 exhibition SPEAKING BACK. Davi muitalusaid dekoloniseren. Decolonizing Nordic Narratives on display
Das Land spricht. Sámi Horizonte / The Land Has a Mind to Speak. Sámi Horizons
Edited by: Anna-Sophie Laug
Bilingual German/English
Year of publication: 2023
Extent: ca. 120 p.