Groups & School Classes

Interactive, dialogical educational opportunities complement our special and permanent exhibitions. The events are aimed at different age groups, starting with people aged four.
We offer guided tours (60 min) and discussions (90 or 120 min). Depending on the content, type of school and age of the participating children and young people, the discussions include a practical or discussion part.
Information on content, charges and bookings
Museumsdienst Hamburg
Events in German Sign Language
The Museumsdienst offers various guided tours in German Sign Language for selected exhibitions at the MARKK.
If you have any further questions or are interested, please do not hesitate to make an appointment.
Please feel free to contact
Martina Bergmann
Skype: museumsdiensthh
E-FAX: +49 40 427 925 324
Videophone: +49 40 311 080 03