Lateinamerikanische Kurzfilme


Im Rahmen der 9. Ausgabe des Lateinamerika und Karibik-Herbstfestivals unter dem Motto „Sprachen sprechen – Kulturen kommunizieren“ zeigt das MARKK eine Auswahl an Kurzfilmen als Auftakt der Iberoamerikanischen Filmwoche. Die Kurzfilme sind eine Auswahl des Festivals Arica Nativa und geben vielfältige Einblicke in die Verbindungen von Menschen, Kulturen und Natur in den verschiedenen Regionen Lateinamerikas.

Die Filme werden in spanischer/englischer Sprache mit Untertiteln gezeigt. 

In Kooperation mit dem Lateinamerika und Karibik Herbstfestival 2022 „Sprachen sprechen – Kulturen kommunizieren“.

For the 9th edition of the Latin America and Caribbean Autumn Festival, themed „Languages Speak – Cultures Communicate“, MARKK will show a selection of short films as a prelude to the Ibero-American Film Week. The short films are a selection from the Arica Nativa Festival and provide diverse insights into the connections between people, cultures and nature in different regions of Latin America.

The language of the films will be spanish or english with english subtitles.

In cooperation with the Latin America and Caribbean Autumn Festival 2022 „Languages Speak – Cultures Communicate“.


Winner Rural short films 2021
Director: Francesca Canepa
Country: Perú
Fiction, 14 minutes

Juan, is a 9 year-old Peruvian boy who lives with his silent dad in a floating house on the breathtaking Amazon River. This idyllic background sets an allegorical journey into the rainforest jungle, where nature, gender, truth and all things begin to reveal the identity of his dad.

Winner Mallku short films 2021
Director: Rafael Pease
Country: Chile
Documental, 13 minutes

Narrated by Füta Mawida – ‘Great Mountain’ in the Mapuche language of Mapundungun – this is a story of our fragile relationship with nature. Rough seas, impenetrable jungle, and a relentless rain, greet the team as they draw near the iconic Volcan Corcovado. A resounding truth echoes across Patagonia’s unpredictable terrain: we are visitors to this land, with much to learn.

Winner Afrika short films 2021
Director: Rodrigo Sena
Country: Brazil
Documentary, 15  minutes

The spiritual world that surrounds you passes much more through the third eye than through the physical eyes. What is invisible to Luis‘ eyes is not invisible to his spiritual sensitivity.

Winner Jallalla short films 2021
Director: Río Elizabeth Castañeda Guthreau
Country: Mexico
Animation, 6 minutes

Mayan Backstrap Weaving is a complex and symbolic art form, and is often undervalued or bargained for in the marketplace. For indigenous non-organized weavers, making money can become very strenuous, especially when their “huipiles” must go undervalued and trivialized.

Winner Jallalla short films 2020
Director: Alberto Flores
Country: Peru
Documentary, 18 minutes

In an Andean Peruvian city, lives Honorata Vilca, an illiterate woman of Quechua descent who sells candies. While the rain season starts she relates passages of his life until one afternoon something fateful happens that will make the sky cry itself.

Winner Mallku short films 2020
Director: Palmer Morse, Taylor Graham, Matt Mikkelsen
Country: USA
Documentary, 10 minutes

Water Flows Together elevates the importance of acknowledging Indigenous land in outdoor recreation through the voice of Colleen Cooley, one of the few female Diné (Navajo) river guides on the San Juan River. In sharing Colleen’s perspective, we are given a glimpse into native views on issues of water resource management, which are often missing from larger discussions of western water challenges.

Winner Filmin’Arica 2020
Director: Javier Garrido / Maximiliano Manríquez
Country: Chile
Documentary, 19 minutes

Maxi leads a group of young people who create a cultural and residential space called -Casa Hip Hop-. This is located in a land grab where low-income people lives who have no other housing option than these houses evicted by polimetals contamination. In this cultural house coexist the different branches of hip hop and it is a place of passage for young people from different parts of Latin America where they share residence and art. A journey through the dreams of the young residents of the cultural house and the population where it is located.


Museumseintritt; kostenlos für Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren

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