From Conservation to Conversation. Rethinking Collections Care Digital Workshop 09.–10. September 2021

Workshop Content
Cultural institutions such as Museums claim to take a well-informed and strategic approach to care for valued collections, protecting and conserving the material evidence of cultural heritage in line with the overall institutional goals. Though the principles and values that inform such strategies, vary considerably according to context and they often do not reflect the original cultural context.
Workshop program
Public event
You can find more information about the content of the workshop and the registration here.
Confirmed contributions: Ana Maria Theresa Labrador, Annissa Gultom, Awhina Tamarapa, Barbara Borghese, Catherine Smith, Diana Gabler, Ellen Pearlstein, Gabriel Nodea, Heidi Swierenga, Hélia Marçal, Jane Henderson, Johanna Ndahekelekwa Nghishiko, José Luiz Pedersoli Jr., Kelly McHugh, Laura van Broekhoven, Lynley Nargoodah, Monica Hanna, Renata F. Peters, Robyn Sloggett, Shadreck Chirikure, Sonja Schwoll, Stefan Michalski, Valerie Magar
The event is funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and MARKK IN MOTION.
Price and registration
The event is free of charge.
Please register here via the homepage.