Water Messages Featured Collections

The MARKK is committed to the development of new modes of collaboration, engagement, and partnership with Indigenous peoples for the care and stewardship of past and future heritage collections.
If you are interested in collaborating, please contact Dr. Johanna Wild: johanna.wild@markk-hamburg.de

Collections and items in the MARKK have incomplete, inaccurate, and/or missing attribution. We are using this Notice to clearly identify this material so that it can be updated, or corrected by communities of origin.
The MARKK is committed to collaboration and partnerships to address this problem of incorrect or missing attribution.

Model of an outrigger canoe
Marshall Islands
before 1911
wood, coconut fibre cord, woven pandanus sail
160 x 153 x 42 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 11.105:1 / donation by Antonie Brandeis (1868-1945), entry 1911
Stick chart
Marshall Islands, before 1910
coconut midrib, plant fibre, snail shells
90 x 90 x 5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 393:10 / purchase from Jaluit Company, entry 1910

Marshall Islands
before 1885
wood, without skin
65 x 26 x 26 cm
MARKK Inv. No. E 989 / donation by C. Krey jur., entry 1885
Dekā in Nin
Bast beater
Marshall Islands
before 1992
giant clam (Tridacna gigas)
30 x 12 x 9 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 92.58:1 / entry 1992

Marshall Islands
before 1913
wood, giant clam
(Tridacna gigas)
45.5 x 15 x 4.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 13.143:37 / purchase from Georg Merz, entry 1913
Ek Kāāj
Marshall Islands
before 1950
shell, plant fibre
11,5 x 2,5 x 5,3 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 50.61:21 / exchange, entry 1950

Ek Kāāj
Marshall Islands
before 1963
shell, plant fibre
15 x 5.7 x 3 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 63.21:28 / purchase, entry 1963
Ek Kāāj
Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands
before 1910
shell, plant fibre
12.7 x 3.2 x 6.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 3429b II / appropriated by Augustin Krämer during the Hamburg South Sea Expedition (1908-1910), entry 1910

Water drinking vessel
Mili Atoll, Marshall Islands
before 1910
17.5 x 21.5 x 20.3 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 7519 II / appropriated by Franz Emil Hellwig (1854-1929), during the Hamburg South Sea Expedition (1908-1910), entry 1910
Majel, Marshall Islands
before 1879
spondylus, coconut shell, white shells
4.7 x 39 x 0.6 cm
MARKK Inv. No. E 709 / purchase from Carl Wilhelm Lüders (1823-1896), entry 1879

Marshall Islands
before 1969
154 x 10 x 4 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 69.21:1 / donation, entry 1969
Water vessel
Marshall Islands
before 1922
coconut, pandanus leaf and coconut fibre
16 x 15.5 x 13.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 22.63:9 / donation by Antonie Brandeis (1868-1945), entry 1922

Triton trumpet
No place or date documented
shell (Charonia tritonis)
14.5 x 36 x 42 cm
MARKK Inv. No. xx oz 1138 / no information available in the museum documentation
Spondylus americanus
before 1980
7.5 x 10 x 11 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 80.10:18 / purchase, entry 1980

Giant clam
(Tridacna Gigas)
Place not documented
before 1980
37 x 76 x 55 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 80.10:7 / purchase, entry 1980
No place or date documented
21 x 8 x 17.2 cm
MARKK Inv. No. xx oz 1137 / no further information in museum documentation

Shadow play figure
Northern Bali, Indonesia
before 1989
leather, pigments, wooden sticks
55 x 92 x 2 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 89.69:179 / purchase, entry 1989
Model of a fish trap
Kalimantan Island, Indonesia
before 1913
59 x 38.5 x 33 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 13.120:236 / purchase from W. Heldermann, entry 1913

Fish trap
Java, Indonesia
before 1905
cane reeds
56 x 24.5 x 23 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 6094:05 / donation by a member of the Warburg family, entry 1905
Water Basket
Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia
before 1905
palm leaf
24 x 30 x 15 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 281:05 / donation by Eduard Lorenz-Meyer, entry 1905

Water vessel with decorative carvings
Marquesas Islands
before 1960
coconut, bone
18 x 18.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 60.40:3 / exchange with Matthias Ludovicus Joannes Lemaire (1891-1979), entry 1960
Manuae, Cook Islands
date not documented
145 x 28.5 x 5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. E 572 / no information in museum documentation

Manuae, Cook Islands
before 1931
109 x 25 x 5.8 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 31.247:1 / donation by Richard Sthamer, entry 1931
Irian Jaya
before 1916
155 x 15 x 3.2 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 16.39:3 / donation by Eugen Engler, entry 1916

New Britain, Papua New Guinea
before 1908
165 x 14 x 3.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 885 I / appropriated by Wilhelm Müller-Wismar (1886-1916) during the Hamburg South Sea Expedition (1908-1910), entry 1908/09
Carved Crocodile
before 1921
wood, pigments
13,5 x 187,5 x 11 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 21.49:3 / purchase from the former Reichsabrechnungsstelle Hamburg, entry 1921

Stairs of a stilt house in the shape of a crocodile
Village Lala, Manus Province,
Admiralty Islands
before 1908
wood, pigments
183.5 x 19.5 x 21 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 2914 I / purchase from Albert Stehr via Franz Emil Hellwig (1854-1929) during the Hamburg South Sea Expedition (1908-1910), entry 1908
Model of boat for the
transport of livestock
Bangladeshi boat builders
Pabna, Bangladesh
before 2005
wood, metal, fabric
85 x 73 x 45 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 2008.25:3 / donation, entry 2008

Model of Boat for the transport of timber
Bangladeshi boat builders
Khulna, Bangladesh
before 2005
wood, metal, fabric
72 x 92.5 x 29 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 2008.25:6 / donation, entry 2008
Vishnu on the world serpent
Anant Shivaji Desai at Ravi Varma Press
Maharashtra, India
printing color on paper
36.8 x 25.1 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 84.14:592 / purchase, entry 1984

Water container
before 1866
30.5 x 15 cm
MARKK Inv. No. A 188 / donation by I. F. Schmidt, entry 1866
Waka hoe
Aotearoa, New Zealand
before 1913
182 x 16.5 x 6 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 13.138:3 / purchase from Thomas Edward Donne, entry 1913

Gut parka
before 1937
seal gut, birdskin,
feathers, sinew, wool
190 x 115 x 30 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 37.37:1 / exchange with Infanterie-Regiment 69 III. Bataillon, Hamburg, entry 1937
Women’s outer parka
Inuit (Kalaallit)
Kitaa (West Greenland)
before 1877
seal and reindeer skin
98 x 47 x 42 cm
MARKK Inv. No. B 10a / appropriated by Johann Adrian Jacobsen (1853-1947) for Carl Hagenbeck (1844-1913) in Ilulissatin 1877, entry 1878

Women’s knife
Inuit (Kalaallit)
Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)
before 1881
wood, iron
9.2 x 10.2 x 1.8 cm
MARKK Inv. No. A 1113 / exchange with the Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, entry between 1881 and 1905
Inuit (Kalaalit)
Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)
before 1915
43 x 28.5 x 4 cm
46 x 23 x 2.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 15.11:41 / purchase from J.F.G. Umlauff (1833-1899), entry 1915

Needle holder
Inuit (Kalaallit)
Tunu (East Greenland)
before 1893
sealskin, bone
1.7 x 7.9 x 44.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. B 2694 / exchange with the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, entry 1893
Kayak with human figure and paddle
Inuit (Kalaallit)
Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)
before 1905
ivory or bone
3.3 x 6.8 x 13 cm
MARKK Inv. No. B 21 / purchase from Carl Wilhelm Lüders (1823-1896), entry before 1905

Snow goggles
Inuit (Kalaallit)
Upernivik, Kitaa (West Greenland)
19th century
wood, leather strap
4.5 x 16.3 x 15 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 12.114:23 / purchase from Christian Leden, entry 1912
Snow goggles
Inuit (Kalaallit)
Tunu (East Greenland)
19th century
wood, leather strap
16 x 20 x 5.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. B 2692 / exchange with National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, entry 1893

Snow goggles
Inuit (Kalaalit)
Tunu (East Greenland)
late 19th – early 20th century
wood, leather strap
2.5 x 15 x 7.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 74.31:5 / donation, entry 1974
Summer Camp: A Seal Hunt Scene
Hoseas Tukula (Kalaallit)
Tasiilaq, Tunu (East Greenland)
20th century
wood print
45.5 x 30.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 74.59:1 / purchase, entry 1974

Sea lion figurine
presumably Chukchi
before 1891
ivory or bone
3.6 x 2.1 x 4.2 cm
MARKK Inv. No. A 2783 / appropriated by whaling Captain Höck purchase from Friedrich Dörries junior, entry in 1891
Seal figurine
presumably Chukchi
before 1891
ivory or bone
1.7 x 1.7 x 5.4 cm
MARKK Inv. No. A 2790 / appropriated by whaling Captain Höck purchase from Friedrich Dörries junior, entry in 1891

Human figure
presumably Chukchi
before 1891
ivory or bone
7.5 x 2 x 1 cm
MARKK Inv. No. A 2749 / appropriated by whaling Captain Höck purchase from Friedrich Dörries junior, entry in 1891
Human figure
presumably Chukchi
before 1891
ivory or bone
5.6 x 2 x 1.4 cm
MARKK Inv. No. A 2751 / appropriated by whaling Captain Höck purchase from Friedrich Dörries junior, entry in 1891

Human figure
presumably Chukchi
before 1891
ivory or bone
9 x 3.5 x 2.4 cm
MARKK Inv. No. A 2752 / appropriated by whaling Captain Höck purchase from Friedrich Dörries junior, entry in 1891
Two seals on their backs
Yupiit, Iñupiat or Aleut
before 1882
2.5 x 14 x 3 cm
MARKK Inv. No. B 669 / purchase from Comptant, entry in 1882

Cribbage scrimshaw board
Yupiit or Iñupiat
before 1966
walrus tusk
3.5 x 37.5 x 6.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 66.7:1 / purchase, entry 1966
Snow goggles
Yupiit, Iñupiat or Aleut
19th – early 20th century
6.5 x 3.5 x 17 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 74.31:6 / donation, entry 1974

Snow goggles
late 19th – early 20th century
wood, leather strap
4 x 13 x 10 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 74.31:7 / donation, entry 1974
(Mother of the Sea)
Isa Kasudluak (Inuit)
Inukjuak, Turtle Island (North America)
before 1981
carved Stone
11.7 x 19.7 x 7.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 81.12:1 / purchase from Galerie Berger, entry 1981

Charles N. Natkong SR (Lla‘iishaan)
Higdáa Gándlaay (Hydaborg), Alaska
before 1978
painted wood
158.5 x 14.5 x 2.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 78.42:8 / purchase from Wolfgang Haberland via funding from INTERVERSA, entry 1978
Raven releases humanity from a clamshell
Claude Davidson (Haida)
Old Massett, British Columbia,
Turtle Island (North America)
9 x 12.5 x 10.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 78.42:12 / purchase by Wolfgang Haberland via funding from INTERVERSA, entry 1978

Raven, Man and Killerwhale Transformation 1
Tony Hunt (Kwakwaka’wakw)
Alert Bay/Cormorant Island, British Columbia, Turtle Island (North America)
screen print on paper (82/190)
75 x 55.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 82.44:1 / purchased by Wolfgang Haberland via funding from INTERVERSA, entry 1982
Kwa-Gulth Thunderbird, Killerwhale and Human
Tony Hunt (Kwakwaka’wakw)
Alert Bay/Cormorant Island, British Columbia, Turtle Island (North America)
screen print on paper (3/59)
30.5 x 40.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 78.42:26 / purchased by Wolfgang Haberland via funding from INTERVERSA, entry 1978 and 1982

Kwa-Gulth Thunderbird and Orca
Calvin Hunt (Kwakwaka’wakw)
Alert Bay/Cormorant Island, British Columbia, Turtle Island (North America)
screen print on paper, artist’s proof
56 x 80 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 79.48:1 / donation by Calvin Hunt, entry 1979
Mask with an Orca
Tony Hunt Jr. (Kwakwaka’wakw)
Victoria, British Columbia,
Turtle Island (North America)
before 1978
painted wood
54 x 26.5 x 29 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 78.42:51 / purchased by Wolfgang Haberland from the artist via funding from INTERVERSA, entry 1978

Pugwis, Wild Man of the
Sea with a Loon
Stanley C. Hunt (Kwakwaka’wakw)
Victoria, British Columbia,
Turtle Island (North America)
before 1978
painted wood
33.5 x 29 x 52 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 82.43:1 / purchased by Wolfgang Haberland from the artist via funding from INTERVERSA, entry 1982
Fish trap
Bulkley, Turtle Island (North America),
before 1980
44 x 111 x 52 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 80.37:1 / purchase, entry 1980

Water drum
Ne Ià:ia’k Nihononhontsá:ke
(Six Nations/Haudenosaunee)
Turtle Island (North America)
before 1909
tree bark, skin
17.5 x 15 x 14 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 1257:09 / purchase from Rudolf Cronau (1855-1939), entry 1909
Canoe model
Great Lakes and Eastern Woodlands First Nations
Turtle Island (North America)
before 1880
birch tree bark, straw embroidery
9 x 8.5 x 24 cm
MARKK Inv. No. B 85a / acquired from Eduard Paul sen., entry 1880

Bear and Fish
Miskwaabik Animiiki (Thunderbird)
Norval Morrisseau (Ojibwe)
Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek
First Nation (Sand Point)
Turtle Island (North America)
silkscreen print on paper (29/50)
38.3 x 28.2 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 82.83:1 / purchase from Walter Irell, entry 1982
Saul Williams (Ojibwe)
Weagamow First Nation, North Caribou Lake
Turtle Island (North America)
silkscreen print on paper (50/70)
36.6 x 38 cm
MARKK Inv. Nos. 82.83:2 / purchase from Walter Irell, entry 1982

Who Do Thee Wed?
Barry Peters (Ojibwe)
Pikangikum, Turtle Island (North America)
silkscreen print on paper (24/27)
56.5 x 38.3 cm
MARKK Inv. Nos. 82.83:3 / purchase from Walter Irell, entry 1982
Mother Goose
Goyce Kakegamic (Oji-Cree First Nation)
Sandy Lake First Nation, Turtle Island
(North America)
silkscreen print on paper (32/54)
73.5 x 52.5 cm
MARKK Inv. Nos. 82.83:4 / purchase from Walter Irell, entry 1982

Wampum belt
Onoñda’gegá’ (Onondaga) Nation, Ne Ià:ia’k Nihononhontsá:ke
(Six Nations/Haudenosaunee) Territory
New York State, Turtle Island (North America)
before 1886
beads, leather
7.8 x 80 x 0.3 cm
MARKK Inv. No. B 1974 / purchase from Hugo Schilling, entry 1886
Po-Woh-Geh-Owingeh (San Ildefonso Pueblo)
New Mexico, Turtle Island (North America)
painted clay
18 x 30 x 21 cm
MARKK Inv. No. B 6093 / donation by Aby Warburg (1866-1929), entry 1902

Snake-shaped Ceramic
Possibly Tairona, dates unknown
Estuary, Magdalena River, Colombia
incised clay
6 x 13 x 8.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 32.205:1 / purchase from Amelie Breling (1876-1965), entry 1932
Mato Grasso, Brazil
before 1932
170 x 13 x 3.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 32.108:12 / donation by Rudolf Loeser, entry 1932

Headdress in the shape of a hippopotamus
Kalabari Ijo
before 1891
painted wood
47 x 23 x 13 cm
MARKK Inv. No. C 1541 / purchase from C. A. Pöhl, entry 1891
Headdress with four fish
before 1901
wood, plant fibre
20 x 65 x 24 cm
MARKK Inv. No. C 3057 / purchase from J.F.G. Umlauff (1833-1889), entry 1901

Water spirit headdress in
the form of a sawfish
before 1973
wood, mirror applications
31 x 112.5 x 25.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 73.76:1 / purchase from Boris Kegel-Konietzko (1925-2020), entry 1973
Carved Crocodile
before 1892
wood, pigments
10 x 14 x 125 cm
MARKK Inv. No. C 1579 / purchase from H. Breitwieser, entry 1892

Fish trap
before 1913
9 x 73 x 15 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 13.66:239 / purchase from Leo Frobenius (1873-1938), entry 1913
before 1931
dried gourd
22 x 24 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 31.288:46 / donation by Captain A. Knutzen, entry 1931

Ibe Deskle
Bottle with stopper
Kousséri, Chad and Cameroon
before 1911
Ostrich egg
22 x 16.5 x 15.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 12.148:451 / appropriated by Duke Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg (1873-1969) during the German Central Africa Expedition of 1910/11, entry 1912
Water vessel with lid
Kousséri, Chad and Cameroon
before 1911
animal hide
53 x 26 x 25 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 12.148:1871 / appropriated by Duke Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg (1873-1969) during the German Central Africa Expedition of 1910/11, entry 1912

Mami Wata
before 1989
painted wood
48 x 53 x 10.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 89.19:176a / purchase from Wulf Lohse (1938-2017), entry 1989
Fish trap
before 1909
45.5 x 80.5 x 73 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 749:09 / purchase from Harry Grunitzky (1873-1912), entry 1909

Crocodile mask
Bouri, Burkina Faso
carved and painted wood (ceiba pintandra)
18 x 128 x 19 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 57.8:1608 / purchase by Kunz Dittmer, entry 1956
Guemboura Kbira
Water jug
Fatima bent Omar (painter)
and Mohamed ben Rami (potter)
Sidi Kacem, Morocco
57 x 33.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 88.45:430 / acquired, entry 1988

Dscharra lil-mâ‘
Water jug
Hebron, Palestine
before 1934
37 x 27 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 34.127:5 / donation by Ludwig Julius Brühl, entry 1934
Fayence vessel with humans and fish
18th-19th century
painted and glazed clay
19 x 31 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 28.151:2 / purchase from Kaiverwaltung, Hübnerkai Hamburg, entry 1928

Kveller plant
(Salicornia herbacea)
Hallig Oland, Germany, before 1924
dried plant, glass bottle, cork
20.5 x 5.8 x 5.8 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 24.59:61 / purchase from Julius Konietzko (1886-1952), entry 1924
Hallig Gröde, Germany
before 1924
cow horn
36 x 24 x 9 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 24.59:44 / purchase from Julius Konietzko (1886-1952), entry 1924

Hallig Gröde, Germany
before 1924
11 x 9 x 20 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 24.59:45 / purchase from Julius Konietzko (1886-1952), entry 1924
Weather vane
Hallig Gröde, Germany
before 1924
painted wood
3 x 75.5 x 10.4 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 24.59:55 / purchase from Julius Konietzko (1886-1952), entry 1924

Water jug
Hallig Oland, Germany
before 1924
40 x 24 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 24.59:19 / purchase from Julius Konietzko (1886-1952), entry 1924
Eel fish trap
Winsener Elbmarsch, Harburg, Germany
before 1966
33 x 117 x 31.5 cm
MARKK Inv. No. 64.33:194 / purchase, entry 1966

Dr. Johanna Wild